The low light when I took this counter top still life yesterday afternoon made the photo a bit blurry. But I liked how that makes looks like a painting (at least to me).
there they were. just patiently waiting on the shelves. perhaps some guys would come along and try some on for laughs. maybe one will be carefully selected to grace the pew this easter. it's possible some will get swiped up for a high school production of my fair lady...
Walking around the city this week, I've been struck with the shape of fire escapes on so many of the older (that is, most of them) apartment buildings. It's all Z's, and the lines are so stark and beautiful.
on saturday, the new girl in town pointed us to a special place deep in south seattle. there we found a treasury of salvaged home furnishings on sale for reuse, and all sorts of fun stuff.
This pizza place, way way east on 14th St., opened up early last year and I have to say, it's consistently proved itself worth all the hype. The namesake slice is like spinach-artichoke dip baked onto a chewy, crispy crust. It's not a traditional slice by any means, but it is killer.
thanks to some recently newly wed friends, i had the opportunity to give adorning a wedding cake with flowers a try. always a first time for everything!
lucky for me, i get to walk by this lovely shop and peer at their offerings, inside and out, every it's conveniently located right on the corner where i step off the bus.
here's a little of your favourite colour. (not sure why i decided to spell in a british way, maybe just for fun. cheerio!)
it may not be much to look at, but it sure was delicious. the line at the cafeteria-style lunchspot serving pakistani/indian fare usually stretches out the door. but, lucky for me i was a little early, so i made it inside. (then the line grew behind me...i love it when that happens.)
today's special, which at $3.99 really can't be beat, was a mung bean curry. and i was told by the fellow dishing it up, "the special is always vegan!"
Random freshman year roommates, who thanks to a bit of creative self-description (nonsmoking, check), ended up living together in tiny spaces for two entire years.
Now, over a decade later, we're on either coast- one in New York City, the other in Seattle- but we still send each other beautiful things to appreciate each day.