on thursday, it was 90 degrees, capping off a week of unseasonably warm, record-breaking temps.
i loved it.
and then, following the most gorgeous sunset i've seen in quite some time, this weird bunch of clouds blew in and the wind picked up, causing a power outage that lasted from about nine in the evening to two in the morn.
Random freshman year roommates, who thanks to a bit of creative self-description (nonsmoking, check), ended up living together in tiny spaces for two entire years.
Now, over a decade later, we're on either coast- one in New York City, the other in Seattle- but we still send each other beautiful things to appreciate each day.
i just can't fathom the sunset (not rise) over the ocean. it's so...weird. but still beautiful.
this is literally steps outside of my second home.
and, as you know, i'm not a morning person, so i never saw all too many atlantic sunrises.
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