Sunday, May 31

Empty House

remembering memorial week later.

i meant to post these on or before memorial day...but i forgot to remember.

i find these tacky bouquets to somehow be delightfully patriotic.

Saturday, May 30

Under Study


it's supposed to be warm and delightful here all weekend...the high 70s! what could be better?

i'll be sure to hydrate...with plenty of each of these summer bevs.

Friday, May 29

back to barnacles.

...awaiting my morning transit at the water taxi terminal at seacrest park.

Thursday, May 28

takin' it in stride.

ok, so someone stuffs their overweight lab into a grimy t-shirt, leaves him alone and makes him wait around outside a gas station minimart. rather than bark, growl or make a stink, this humble guy, neckroll and all, just smiles and waits patiently.

maybe it's 'cause his owner was picking up some taquitos and little donuts for him.


Central Park, from the corner of 5th and Central Park South.


Wednesday, May 27

that gull has one leg. really.

could it be? does this gull have just one leg?

thanks mr. seagull, for letting me get all close to take a better look.

this beak likes a good city vista, too.

well, maybe not one leg...but certainly just one foot...look!
i bet he spends more time flying as a result.

awww, don't be embarrassed, little guy.

two feet are really overrated anyways.

Trinity Church, Broadway & Wall St.

This one I'm much more familiar with, and it remains a very special spot.

There was something going on with these banners inside, and also a detail on the door I'd never noticed before.

Angel of capitalist doom?

Tuesday, May 26

george, washington.

St. Paul's, Broadway & Vesey St.

Continuing the Tribeca stroll down Broadway, the oldest church in the city was a few steps away.

St. Paul's is a church I'd actually never gone in before, and it's pretty neat. I love the verdant oasis behind it the most, though. It's such a rarity here, it seems to glow against all the gray.

Monday, May 25

Woolworth Building

I've never really stopped to appreciate this one, but it's one of the most incredible buildings in the city- and at one point, the tallest. Unfortunately tourists like me aren't allowed inside, but the main entrance alone on Broadway was fascinating.

Sunday, May 24

Federal Hall, Wall St. & Broad

I was around the old haunt today. It still sickens me.

But the light was beautiful.

Saturday, May 23

Never Any Trouble

There were a bunch of bubbles floating around, but it's kind of hard to make them out against the sky.

i can wait no longer.

can you come to seattle already? so i can show you around and so we can start and end each day with tea together?

this is my favorite tea spot, and this officially begins my use of the blog in my campaign efforts.

Friday, May 22


so, i'm off this evening for the three-day sasquatch festival at the gorge, in george, washington. yippee!

this will be a lot of what goes down there, but, honestly, it's all about the music.

btw, in case you were wondering, mgd 64 is as diet as diet beers come. pretty watery.
also, as you probably guessed, this was taken by my special guest photog.

Thursday, May 21

Peony, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

This one struck me as particularly O'Keefesh.


actually, we think it probably was a wee seal!

Wednesday, May 20

Early Summer, Clinton St., Brooklyn

It's here, whether I like it or not.

Today, I liked it.


Tuesday, May 19

sunset on the sound.

summer is just trying so hard to get can taste it.

Sunset, Queens

I'm going through some older images this week, so forgive me if you've seen this one.

It was a sticky, hazy, hot summer day, the kind I'm not really looking forward to. The colors can be superb then, though.

Monday, May 18

Friday, May 15

Adorn Me

Oh, yes. I just did my first art installation: 69 Meters, which enrobed three blocks of parking meters in Brooklyn Heights with knit cozies. I cannot convey how much I enjoyed this- figuring out a pattern, knitting it, putting it up, walking by it for no reason at all every single day.

Beautiful. I may start getting all arty and pretentious now, I'm just warning you.

Thursday, May 14

you'd be smiling, too...

...if you had miles and miles of empty stretches of beach to run around on.

the weekend was a restful one. long beach is a pretty impressive beach (it is actually, very long) and we did a lot of resting and eating and walking on the beach and board game playing and various other typical weekend away activities.

*this shot of scooter was taken by someone who is a superior photographer and with a much fancier camera.
**my camera is still currently being repaired and should be back in action by this weekend at the latest. (my apologies for the slowdown of posts...i'll be back soon!)


I say it about so many kinds, but dogwood blossoms are one of my absolute favorites.

They're so beautiful and simple and structural, they almost look fake. In a good way, unlike fake people.

Monday, May 11

Franklin Street

This was my maternal grandparents house, and the house where my mom grew up.

I drove by it recently with her, and heard a previously buried story about my uncle throwing a hammer at my grandfather's head years and years and years ago. It was pretty funny.

Unfortunately, they never did have a car like this. It made the shot, though.

Friday, May 8


I know trash isn't supposed to be beautiful. But a friend did a photography project ages ago with it as the subject, and ever since then, I look at what's discarded on the streets a little differently.

This one was as arranged as a freaky Dutch painter's still life. Well, if the freaky Dutch painter is strung out, homeless and bored on 3rd. Ave.

Monday, May 4

Of the Non-Shrinking Variety

This city and its inhabitants sometimes seem so bent on controlling, or at least compressing, nature.

But it still manages to sneak through in such lovely little ways, like this vibrant patch of violets I spotted on Park Row the other day.

Friday, May 1

Sakura Maturi: A Trip to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden

From dainty muscari and spring-sweet lilacs, to woodland blooms shy among leaves,

to those proud tulips of every imaginable color

my trip to the BBG the other day was so lovely. My first spring here (a decade ago), I went to the annual cherry blossom festival here with my mom, who somehow found out about it.

It's one of the few things I do every single year, even if she can't come visit and I go by myself. The flowers are good company, especially those sakuras. It's like walking through cloud after cloud of the essence of pink. And what better way to welcome May?