Sunday, June 28

Thursday, June 25

Monday, June 22


of course a rose is a lot more complex than the five-petaled forget-me-not, but i just liked the we'll remember each other while we're away.

this series is of the variety of roses planted in the lovely landscaping outside my door. i sure am lucky!

Saturday, June 20

R Is for Red Hook

on our way!


we spotted a northwest gastropod hanging out the other night. he took his sweet time scaling up the wall, but i, too, had major difficulty not getting a blurry pic of him.

so i used flash. sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

his slow journey represents mine today as we set overseas...(those flights always feel painfully epic. but it will be well worth it).

while i'm away bit of beauty will celebrate it's first birthday. hooray! so that i don't seem entirely off the radar, i've left you with images of the beauty right outside my apartment door. you'll have to wait and see...hope you don't get bored. you can be sure that i will return with plenty o' bits o' beauty! (o's are intentional and apropos, no?) hope you have a wonderful trip, too!

Friday, June 19

wine + summer + friends = a perfect evening.

The Three Sisters

More from the Catskills. This one reminded me of my dear siblings, for some reason.

Thursday, June 18

Green and Gray

It wasn't typical gorgeous summer weather, but I couldn't have imagined a more beautiful scene.

It reminded me of a Japanese sumi-e setting.

pike place peony party.

i couldn't resist posting more peony pics...they're everywhere!

Wednesday, June 17

Green Space, Van Brunt St.


remember those big and colorful tissue paper flowers your nursery school teacher made you make?

i always got a bit of anxiety when the teacher would pass out the pieces of brightly colored paper, or, well, anything...pom poms, pipe cleaners, construction paper, you name the colorful art project material. i saw the pile she'd be pulling from and know full well in my head which color i dreamed of getting to work with.

it didn't always go my way. which is why i famously (perhaps only famous to my family) began spouting the words: "you get what you get," at a very young age. i may have only been repeating the teacher, but, still, i sounded wise.

Tuesday, June 16

is it me, or does this plant look like a muppet?

he looks nice and soft. there were a few of his buddies nearby. i think i'd like to see a whole big furry patch of those the breeze.


Monday, June 15


Found creekside.

Sunday, June 14

Esopus Creek

The only noise: trickling waters and birdsongs, from a weekend in the Catskills. (And sadly, not a comedian in sight.)

Monday, June 8

bit of baldy.

the tide was out, way out.

but our nation's bird was in, taking it all in.

Sunday, June 7

bob ross, rip.

another rossian image...

...only because of the composition.
well, subject matter, too, i guess.

Saturday, June 6

Secret Garden

the calm before the storm.

on thursday, it was 90 degrees, capping off a week of unseasonably warm, record-breaking temps.

i loved it.

and then, following the most gorgeous sunset i've seen in quite some time, this weird bunch of clouds blew in and the wind picked up, causing a power outage that lasted from about nine in the evening to two in the morn.

i love weather.

Friday, June 5


You'd imagine this to be one of the easier subjects to photograph, but I could not get a clear shot of this guy. It was still such a pleasant little surprise to find someone who loves all this rain.

bit of scary.

there's something a little spooky and disquieting about this flower.

i don't know, i just don't trust it.

neither do the little, blue starlike ones hanging out with it, but maybe they need protection.