Sunday, September 14


i just received a most beautiful gift. jewelry is such a personal thing and it says so much about one's taste. that's why i was, but i really shouldn't be, surprised that this was such a perfect fit.
thank you. i love it.


ana dane said...

it looks absolutely stunning on you, as i thought it would.

and thank you for my photo! i can't wait to frame and put it up. i got it right before i took off for a few days so i didn't had a chance to write and thank you until now. i love it.

Bonbon Oiseau said...

that is a nice necklace--it looks great on you! I've met the designer though and well...I don't know about her...

avra romanowitz said...

thank you both for collaborating. (i hope it isn't egotistical to feature myself here.)

ana dane said...

hey, it's our blog. we can feature ourselves all day if we feel it.

after all, what's more beautiful than us?